Our vision
By 2030, we will be leading in digital health and known for our doctors and engineers finding solutions together. Get an explanation of this vision in the video below - and hear Dean Lars Hvilsted Rasmussen present the thoughts in a video to all employees at the Faculty of Medicine.

About our vision
In 2030, we are leading in digital health, and we are known for having doctors and engineers who find solutions together. We are also more than that, but our digital direction and the collaboration between disciplines are our unique distinctive features.
Why this particular vision?
Our analysis of the future health needs strongly indicates that future solutions for numerous health problems are found among the many opportunities of digitalisation.
We will see more patients being treated in their own home because there are digital opportunities to interact across time and space. We will meet engineers in operating rooms because artificial intelligence and technology streamline the healthcare system, while helping doctors diagnose and treat patients.
In the broad sense of the health sciences, we will find that large amounts of health data contain goldmines of knowledge, from which we will become proficient at harvesting health benefits to a much larger extent.
Current trends also indicate that we must solve the problems of the future together. The time calls for collaboration, more knowledge on each other’s professional capabilities and an ability to bring in wider perspectives.
We are an excellent engineering university, and we have a medical programme that is recognised and highly attractive. We understand the art of collaboration and the importance of contributing with knowledge for the world, and within a few years, we have a brand-new faculty building physically connected to the University Hospital.
We have all the qualifications to be the ones who manage to get the most out of the collaboration between doctors with knowledge on digitalisation and technology and engineers with healthcare knowledge.
How has the vision been created?
The vision has been created through a thorough process with input from staff and managers, close partners as well as national and international experts. We have been inspired by futurists and design thinkers, and we have combined our unique competencies and untapped potentials with the future needs for healthcare solutions.
If you would like to know more about SUND VISION 2030, contact
Strategic Advisor, Lone Bechmann
Email: lbec@adm.aau.dk
Phone: (+45) 99 40 20 11