Good scientific practice
At the Faculty of Medicine a number of initiatives are taken to promote good scientific practice, which is defined in compliance with The Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and the AAU Practice Committee.

- Good Scientific Practice at The Faculty of Medicine (Danish)
- The Danish Code Of Conduct For Research Integrity
- Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet - Sammenfatning af Den danske kodeks for integritet i forskning
- National Committee on Health Research Ethics
- Aalborg University Practice Committee
- World Conferences on Research Integrity - Singapore Statement
- World Conferences on Research Integrity - Montreal Statement On Research Integrity In Cross Boundary Research Collaborations
- Declaration Of Compliance With Good Scientific Practice (PhD)
- Declaration Of Compliance With Good Scientific Practice (Doctorate)
- AAU guidelines for students
- Checklist - points for clarification between supervisor and student in connection with potential research projects at SUND, AAU

Links from the online training module
Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
Collaboration Agreement
AAU’s Policy for Research Data Management
Data Management plans
Decision Tree for submitting publications
Authorship Certifications
How to handle large data sets and publish multiple papers based on this
BFI lists
Grants and Contracts Unit AAU
AAU Practice Committee